Chelsea S. Thorn, M.S.

I study

Chelsea Thorn, M.S.

Doctoral Candidate

Criscione Lab

Department of Biology

Texas A&M University

Biologist using genomics, population genetics, and bioinformatics to study endohelminth parasites, parasite gene expression, host-parasite coevolution, and parasitic infections of reptiles.


Ph.D. in Biology


Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Advised by: Charles Criscione
Committee: Heath Blackmon, Brian Davis, and Kira Delmore

M.S. in Biology

2018 - 2021

Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX

Thesis: Comparison of endohelminth parasites in alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) and spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) from Sabine Lake.
Advised by: Tami Cook and Autumn Smith-Herron
Committee: Jerry Cook and Amber Ulseth

B.S. in Biology

Minor in Chemistry

2015 - 2017

Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX


Graduate Assistant - Research

2021 - Present

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Graduate Assistant - Research


Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX

Texas Research Institute for Environmental Studies.
Developed and implemented training protocols with the PIs to instruct graduate and undergraduate assistants on projects being done in the lab. This included field sampling techniques for fish, invertebrates, herpetofauna, and water. Instructed other research assistants and volunteers how to sort and identify fishes, invertebrates, and various herpetofauna.
  • Bluehead Shiner Project: Sampled, sorted, and identified fish specimens. Trained undergraduate research assistants in these tasks.
  • Camp Bowie Invertebrate Survey: Sampled, sorted, and identified terrestrial and aquatic invertebrate specimens. Trained graduate and undergraduate research assistants in these tasks. Assisted with placement in museum collections.
  • Camp Bowie Herpetofauna Survey: Collected, field-identified and PIT tagged turtle and terrapin specimens to track movements. Field-identified and counted frog, toad and snake specimens.
  • Clean Rivers Program: Quarterly water sampling of rivers and creeks in the San Jacinto River and Winter’s Bayou watershed. Trained undergraduate research assistants.

Undergraduate Assistant - Research


Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX

Texas Research Institute for Environmental Studies.
Developed and implemented training protocols with the PIs to instruct graduate and undergraduate assistants on projects being done in the lab. This included field sampling techniques for fish, invertebrates, herpetofauna, and water. Instructed other research assistants and volunteers how to sort and identify fishes, invertebrates, and various herpetofauna.
  • Bluehead Shiner Project: Sampled, sorted, and identified fish specimens. Trained undergraduate research assistants in these tasks.
  • Camp Bowie Invertebrate Survey: Sampled, sorted, and identified terrestrial and aquatic invertebrate specimens. Trained graduate and undergraduate research assistants in these tasks. Assisted with placement in museum collections.
  • Comanche Springs Pupfish Breeding Project: Assisted in experimental specimen maintenance and data processing.
  • Clean Rivers Program: Quarterly water sampling of rivers and creeks in the San Jacinto River and Winter’s Bayou watershed. Trained undergraduate research assistants.

Graduate Assistant - Teaching

2021 - Present

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Courses Taught: Introductory Biology 111 Lab, Introductory Biology 112 Honors Lab, Chordate Anatomy Lab

Graduate Assistant - Teaching

2018 - 2021

Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX

Courses Taught: Zoology Lab, Parasitology Lab, Histology Lab



Thorn, C. S.; Maness, R. W.; Hulke, J. M.; Delmore, K. E.; Criscione, C. D. Population Genomics of Helminth Parasites. Journal of Helminthology 2023, 97, e29.

Lab and Field Photography